
P36 / Kuala Terengganu / Enemy To My Enemy, Is My Friend

Katakanlah Begini;
Musuh politik UMNO dulu,kini dan janganlah kita harapkan selamanya: PAS Musuh politik UMNO kini (Selepas Pak Lah di takhta kuasa): Tun M Musuh Politik UMNO Dulu, 1998-1999 (Masihkah Kau Ingat?): Anwar Ibrahim.
Musuh Politik PAS dulu,kini dan janganlah kita harapkan selamanya: UMNO Musuh politik PAS kini (Selepas Pak Lah di takhta kuasa): UMNO Musuh Politik PAS Dulu, 1998-1999 (Masihkah Kau Ingat?): UMNO
Jika prinsip 'enemy to my enemy, is my friend' di ambilkira, makanya:-
- PAS is a friend to Anwar Ibrahim and Tun. M. - They have joined the bandwagon. - Current PM only stir-up the mess. - UMNO in some way, manage to create a creeping enemy for themselves. - PAS always have one and steady enemy. - PAS significantly is a strong platform for UMNO new-born enemy. - PAS is the one who always got caught in between, repeatedly. - And, I'm personally hope PAS should know this better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The truth will prevail. Consistency is a key to success.


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