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Khamis, Oktober 29, 2009 Kita Mungkin Berhadapan Dengan Krisis Bekalan Dan Kenaikan Harga Beras. Salam. Harga beras mungkin naik. Kita ada teori supply & Demand paling tua. High demand + Short Supply = High price.
Oct. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Rice prices may return to record levels as bad weather curbs output in major growers and forces some nations to accelerate imports, a Philippine minister and the U.S. Rice Producers Association said.
“We are not very far from another rerun of 2008 prices,” Arthur Yap, the Philippines’ Agriculture Secretary, said at a conference in Cebu, central Philippines today. Higher oil prices may push up fertilizer costs, boosting prices further, he said.
Baca penuh disini


besi said...

kita sebagai pengguna beras
kena ambil maklum..........

Unknown said...

gula apa macam...

Sawit banyak lagi...

Petrol pun murah skang...
market la, Malaysia masih mahal lagi.


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